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Memorial tablet to Iryna Nevytska

Address: Slovakia, Údol, House of culture
GPS: 49.290986 20.806367

Iryna Nevytska was Ukrainian and Slovak writer.


She was born on 10.12.1886 in Zbudská Belá village in Ukrainian family.

Lived in different places, but mostly in Prešov.

Some time lived in Uzhgorod as active public person of Carpatho-Ukraine.


Died in  Prešov on 21.11.1965 (or 1966), burried in town cemetery.


The memorial tablet with Ukrainian and Slovak signs and Novitska's portrait was opened in the House of Culture in Údol village, where she also lived during some time.

GPS-coordinates are approximate and direct to the center of the village.


Additional links:

В. Шелепець. Вона засвідчила ниву духовності … (Ірина Невицька)

Ребрик Н.Й. Література народовецтва й чину на Закарпатті в 1-й половиніХХ століття.



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