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Ukrainian cemetery

Address: Moldova, Palanca,
GPS: 47.335965 28.200349

Ukrainian Orthodox cemetery in Palanca village appeared probably around the Intercession church (currently moved out of cemetery).


The oldest grave that was found after gross inspection was the grave of priest Ioann Verstiuk (Иоаннъ Верстюкъ), 1842 - 1914.





The list of surnames found on the graves is given lower. All grave signs are in Russian, some cases in Moldavian. Most frequent surnames enhanced with bold font.

Anton (Антон), Bezhuk (Бежук), Bondar (Бондарь, Ботнарь), Vdovychenko (Вдовиченко), Verstiuk (Верстюкъ), Gapchuk (Гапчук), Gykovyi (Гиковой), Gontar (Гонтарь), Gontsa (Гонца), Gupka (Гупка), Yeremia (Еремия), Zaichko (Заичко), Kopetinski (Копетински), Kotsiuba (Коцюба), Kuschak (Кущак), Malanchuk (Маланчук), Melnyk (Melnic), Otkaliuk (Откалюк), Perepelytsia (Перепелица), Pysnyk (Писник), Pidgurskyi (Подгурский), Preteka (Претека), Roman (Роман), Stetsko (Стецко), Sturza (Стурза), Tryfaniuk (Трифанюк), Chobotar (Чеботарь), Chornyi (Черный, Чорная), Chornomaz (Черномаз).


Photos 2010.


Wooden crosses/monuments on the graves.








Other photos.







































Moldavian sign.


Common grave of those who perished on 01.04.1980.




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