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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Taras Shevchenko Svirya013 years 17 weeks ago
Об'єктPeter Mogila's bust Svirya013 years 17 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to Peter Mogila Svirya013 years 17 weeks ago
Об'єктSt. Nicholas church Svirya013 years 17 weeks ago
Об'єктUkrainian graves Svirya013 years 17 weeks ago
Об'єктTheatre of Alexander Duchnovič Svirya013 years 29 weeks ago
Об'єктDezider Milly's tomb Svirya013 years 30 weeks ago
Об'єктSarcophagus of Pavol Peter Gojdič Svirya013 years 31 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Fedor Hlavatý Svirya013 years 32 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Iryna Nevytska Svirya013 years 32 weeks ago
Об'єктChurch of Archangel Michael Svirya013 years 33 weeks ago
Об'єктGolub-Lebedenko square Svirya013 years 33 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to Taras Shevchenko Svirya013 years 33 weeks ago
Об'єктIvan Kotlyarevsky's bust Svirya013 years 34 weeks ago
Об'єктGrave of Symon Petliura and family Svirya013 years 34 weeks ago
Об'єктIvan Bahrianyi's grave Svirya013 years 34 weeks ago
Об'єктOsyp Nazaruk's tomb Svirya013 years 35 weeks ago
Об'єктBohdan Lepky's tomb Svirya013 years 35 weeks ago
Об'єкт"Smak Ukraiński" restaurant Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet honouring Andrey Sheptytsky Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктMetropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky street Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial slab in Ukrainian on the place of Auschwitz-Birkenau camp Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктSt. Michael church Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктРазвлекательный комплекс "Kijów.Centrum" Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктGreek-Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Svirya013 years 37 weeks ago
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