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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Об'єктShevchenko peak Svirya012 years 31 weeks ago
Об'єктPavlo Skoropadskyi's grave Svirya012 years 32 weeks ago
Об'єктMarble sculpture "Ukrainian woman" Svirya012 years 32 weeks ago
Об'єктMuseum "Dacha of Korolenko" Svirya012 years 32 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to Dimitry of Rostov Svirya012 years 33 weeks ago
Об'єктUkrainian St. Andrew Cemetery Svirya012 years 33 weeks ago
Об'єктJack Palance's star in the Walk o Fame Svirya012 years 34 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to first Zaporizhian Cossacks who landed near Taman Svirya012 years 35 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to Ivan Poddubny Svirya012 years 35 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument "Zaporozhian Cossacks writing the letter to Turkish Sultan" Svirya012 years 36 weeks ago
Об'єктChurch of the Protection of the Theotokos Svirya012 years 37 weeks ago
Об'єктThe Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of The Holy Family in Exile Svirya012 years 40 weeks ago
Об'єктNikolay Kostomarov's grave Svirya012 years 41 weeks ago
Об'єктGrave of Semen Hulak-Artemovsky Svirya012 years 43 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial sign to Konstanty Wasyl Ostrogski Svirya012 years 45 weeks ago
Об'єктGogol street Svirya012 years 45 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Ivan Franko Svirya013 years 8 weeks ago
Об'єктUkrainian Greek-Catholic church Svirya013 years 8 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Josaphat Kuntsevych Svirya013 years 9 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet honouring Taras Shevchenko Svirya013 years 10 weeks ago
Об'єктMemorial tablet to Taras Shevchenko Svirya013 years 10 weeks ago
Об'єктPeter Mogila's bust Svirya013 years 10 weeks ago
Об'єктMonument to Peter Mogila Svirya013 years 10 weeks ago
Об'єктSt. Nicholas church Svirya013 years 10 weeks ago
Об'єктUkrainian graves Svirya013 years 11 weeks ago
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