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“Fortitude” memorial in Eaton Internment camp site

Address: Canada, Saskatoon, the junction of Highway 60 and the Canadian National Railway, 4 km southwest of Saskatoon
GPS: 52.077778 -106.816389
Appearance date: 


The Eaton Internment Camp existed in spring 1919.

On February 25, 1919, 65 internees (mostly Urainians) were removed to a hastily constructed camp on the site of the railway siding at Eaton, Saskatchewan. It was thought that the move would placate the inmate population. It had little effect. Growing resistance among the internees and lack of confidence in the military guard prompted authorities to abandon the Eaton siding location for more secure facilities. On March 21, the internees were transported by rail to a military installation at Amherst, Nova Scotia where they were to be processed for deportation. The Eaton Internment Camp was dismantled shortly after that.



The Saskatchewan Railway Museum was founded in 1990 in this site.

Open May 22 to Sept 6,  Noon to 5pm. Closed Tues and Wed.

Phone (306)382-9855.


"Fortitude" monument was installed in 2005. Author is Saskatchewan artist Grant McConnell.



Additional links:

Eaton Internment Camp

Saskatchewan Railway Museum



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