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St. Michael church

Address: Czech Republic, Prague, Kinského zahrada (Petřínské sady 99, Smíchov)
GPS: 50.078417 14.398417

First, st. Michael church was built in the second half of XVII c. in Velyki Luchki village in Lemko's style.

In 1783 it was moved to Medvedivtsi village.

In 1929 the church was boght and moved to Prague. It was set it Kinskih park, and became a part of Ethnographic museum exhibition.

Since 2008 Orthodox worships are held in the church in Romanian and Czech languages.

Interior is opened for visiting every Saturday and Sunday between 10:30 and 16:00.



Karpatský chrám svatého archanděla Michaela

Закарпатська церква... в центрі Праги




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